Exhibition at the Espace Richaud - Masters of Art at Versailles

From Wednesday 19 June to Sunday 22 September 2024

Every day except Monday, Tuesday

12:00 to 19:00

Weekends, 10am to 7pm.

Location : Espace Richaud


78 Boulevard de la Reine
GPS coordinates
Latitude : 48.807643
Longitude : 2.134077
Espace Richaud
Phone : +33(0)1 30 97 85 15
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Espace Richaud
78 Boulevard de la Reine


Organised in partnership with the "Association des Maîtres d'art", this exhibition showcases the work of exceptional craftsmen.
The exhibition will feature 100 creations by 33 master craftsmen in a wide range of materials and techniques - instrument making, floral decorations, lacquerware, stained glass, featherwork and more - some in collaboration with renowned artists such as Annette Messager and Jean-Michel Othoniel. - some of which were created in collaboration with renowned artists such as Annette Messager and Jean-Michel Othoniel, will be on display in the heart of the Espace Richaud.
Detailed texts and labels will explain the skills and know-how involved, some of which go back hundreds of years, and some of which involve cutting-edge technology.

Last but not least, there will be plenty of opportunities for the public to take part in the process of transmission that lies at the heart of the vocation of the Maîtres d'art.



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  • Affiche Nouveau Musée Lambinet
  • Intérieur (Salle 20)
  • Chambre
  • Duc du Maine Lambinet
  • Intérieur (Salle 19)
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