Richaud Space

Opening day(s)

Exceptionally closed : Thursday 01 May 2025

Exceptionally closed : Thursday 08 May 2025

Exceptionally closed : Thursday 29 May 2025

Exceptionally closed : Monday 14 July 2025

Exceptionally closed : Friday 15 August 2025

Exceptionally closed : Saturday 01 November 2025

Exceptionally closed : Tuesday 11 November 2025

Exceptionally closed : Thursday 25 December 2025

All year long 2026

Every day except Monday, Tuesday

12:00 to 19:00

From 10:00AM on the weekends Open only during exhibitions.


Espace Richaud
78 Boulevard de la Reine
GPS coordinates
Latitude : 48.808052
Longitude : 2.134151
Bus: 471, 6214, 6287: station accessible for PMR
Line L (from La Défense or Gare Saint Lazare). Espace Richard is a 5-minute walk from Versailles Rive droite station.

Car: Notre Dame underground car park or along Boulevard de la Reine
At 72 and 83 boulevard de la Reine, two parking spaces are reserved for people with an inclusive mobility parking card.
Richaud Space
78 Boulevard de la Reine
Phone : +33 1 30 97 28 66
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Thanks to a historic restoration, this former royal hospital now hosts heritage and contemporary art exhibitions.
In the 17th century, Versailles was booming and Louis XIV endowed the town with a "house of charity" run by the Daughters of Saint-Vincent de Paul. It mainly cared for workers on the building sites of the Château de Versailles and its outbuildings. In 1720, Louis XV made it a royal hospital. To meet the hospital's growing needs, Louis XVI commissioned Versailles architect Charles-François Darnaudin (1741-1793) to undertake a complete reconstruction. It is to him that we owe the current appearance of this architectural jewel. Work on the chapel was suspended during the French Revolution and continued from 1781 to 1859.

Since 22 July 1980, the chapel has been listed as a historic monument in its entirety, along with the façades and roofs of the main buildings.

Following the transfer of hospital activities to Le Chesnay in 1981 and the complete cessation of activities in 1997, the buildings were disused for many years. This neglect led to extensive damage and even destruction caused by three successive fires, the most recent in 2009.

By deciding to restore the Royal Hospital and its historic chapel and open them to the public from 2015, the City of Versailles has chosen to create a prestigious cultural facility.

The Espace Richaud, dedicated to heritage and contemporary art exhibitions, offers a wide range of events: exhibitions, concerts, conferences, shows, etc. Each temporary exhibition has its own specific cultural programme.

Its different spaces, spread over two levels, allow a wide range of combinations in the service of creativity and heritage enhancement. With this in mind, the Espace Richaud is now offering guided tours of the building's history and architecture.



Chapelle RoyaleMarbre de la ChapelleEspace RichaudEspace RichaudEspace RichaudEspace Richaud


01/01/2024 - 31/12/2024
Adult7.00€0.00€En visite libre. 9.50? en visite guidée
Reduced price5.00€Plus de 65 ans, groupes de plus de 10 personnes, cartes familles nombreuses, adhérents de la société des Amis de Versailles, détenteurs de la carte "un an à Versailles", Pass Malin Gratuité. Personne de moins de 26 ans ressortissante de l'Union Européenne, amis du Musée Lambinet, amis de la Bibliothèque de Versailles, conférenciers, enseignants, journalistes, demandeurs d'emploi, titulaire carte invalidité et accompagnateur, utilisateurs de cartes ICOM, carte culture et accompagnateur, carte Ma
Set price group adults116.00€140.00€140? le week-end
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