The House of Georges Regnault


Maison de Georges Regnault
11 rue Ivan Tourgueniev
GPS coordinates
Latitude : 48.868582
Longitude : 2.148305
The House of Georges Regnault
11 rue Ivan Tourgueniev
Phone : +33 139692123
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Georges Regnault was a painter from Bougival. He lived in this house from 1941 to 1979.
Originally from Bougival, Georges Regnault considered himself as " the last Impressionist ". He settled into a small house, 11 rue Ivan Tourgueniev, on the banks of the river Seine, with his wife Louisette.
He was the Founder and President of the Tourist Information Office of Bougival in 1962. He also created and led the Académie de Peinture de Bougival from 1973 onwards.



Georges Regnault's houseRegnault's houseGeorges Regnault's houseoeuvre de G. Régnault
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