Pauvre Bitos Le Diner de têtes - Theater
In the 1950s, Maxime de Jaucourt organised a dinner of heads on the theme of the French Revolution. He donned the head of Saint-Just, while his guests adopted those of Danton, Marie-Antoinette, Camille and Lucie Desmoulins. Bitos dresses up as Robespierre. Maxime is determined to make him admit that he is not as honest as he claims.
‘What a merry game of massacre this Pauvre Bitos is! This play, which has not been performed since 1967, is incredibly modern and, as always with Anouilh, theatrical. It's a gritty play, combining a frantic pace with humour and a rare sense of thriller. Anouilh likes to play with the play of mirrors that theatre allows, and here this dinner party goes off the rails, denouncing the tyranny of self-righteousness by attacking liberation and its excesses. An infinite mirror that brings us face to face with ourselves. Strong theatre that provokes and entertains. Thierry Harcourt