Positive Déli


Positive Déli
Halles Notre Dame, Carré à la Marée
GPS coordinates
Latitude : 48.803019
Longitude : 2.131319
Positive Déli
Halles Notre Dame, Carré à la Marée
Phone : +33 172782180
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In accordance with Law No. 78-17 of 6 January 1978 of the National Committee for Information Technology and Civil Liberties (CNIL) with regard to computing, files and liberties (article 36), the interested party is entitled to ask for his/her personal information to be rectified, completed, clarified, updated or deleted if it is inaccurate, incomplete, ambiguous, elapsed or in respect of which it is forbidden to use, disseminate or store said information. Should you wish to exercise this right, please specify the fact in the form above.
  • Spoken language(s) :
    • English
    • French
  • Payment methods :
    • American Express
    • Bank/credit card
    • Cash
    • Titres restaurant (vouchers)


Fast food and take away concept. Pita wraps, bowls (veggie, chicken, fish). Gluten-free juices, smoothies and pastries
The Positive Deli, located inside the halls of the Notre Dame market in Versailles, offers delicious, healthy, flexitarian and seasonal cuisine, juices and smoothies, a catering service and lunchtime formulas, as well as a delicatessen with organic, local and fair-trade products. We're open from Tuesday to Sunday. Come and treat yourself to our delicious pita wraps, bowls or our daily specials, on the spot or to take away!"



Positive DeliPositive DeliPositive DeliPositive DeliPositive DeliPositive DeliPositive DeliPositive Deli
  • categories :
    • Fast food
  • Restaurants :
    • Restaurant
    • Picnic hampers
    • Restaurant for children
    • Fast food
    • Takeaway/cooked dishes
    • Caterer
  • specialities :
    • Vegetarian cuisine
    • specialities
    • specialities
    • specialities
    • specialities
    • Mediterranean cuisine
    • Special dietary menu
    • Organic cuisine
    • Oriental cuisine
    • Lebanese cuisine
    • specialities
  • Accessibility criteria for people with reduced mobility :
    • Accessible for self-propelled wheelchairs