Musical Thursdays are weekly auditions by the Pages and Singers Choir of the Versailles Baroque Music Centre at the Chapelle Royale in Versailles.
This new season of Jeudis musicaux is based around three themes devised by Fabien Armengaud and Clément Buonomo.
‘Les belles endormies’ will provide an opportunity to hear rarely performed or previously unpublished works such as the Messe à six voix by Jean Colin, symphonies by Charles Desmazures and motets from the Tours and Deslauriers manuscripts. ‘Italy in Paris’ will highlight French composers strongly influenced by Italian music, such as Nicolas Bernier, André Campra and, of course, Marc-Antoine Charpentier. Finally, ‘Masterpieces of the choral repertoire’ will bring Britten, Monteverdi and Bach to the Chapelle Royale. Damien Guillon, the new conductor in residence at the CMBV choir school for the 2024-2025 season, will conduct two of Bach's most famous cantatas: BWV 4 Christ Lag in Todesbanden and BWV 131 Aus der Tiefen.
Over the course of the Jeudis musicaux, the CMBV choir school will be joined by the instrumental forces of the CRR of Versailles Grand Parc, Boulogne-Billancourt and Paris, as well as the CRD of Paris-Saclay. Every week, students from the organ class at the CNSMD in Paris will be playing the magnificent Clicquot/Boisseau-Cattiaux organ in the Chapelle Royale.
A season full of discoveries and surprises!
E che porti nei begl’occhi
Airs italiens
Paolo Lorenzani (1640-1713)
Sonate pour 2 flûtes et continuo, op.1 n°10
Michele Mascitti (1664-1760)
Sonate pour violoncelle et basse continue, op. 5 n°2
Francesco Geminiani (1687-1762)
Luigi Rossi (1597-1653)
Cantate 3 du premier livre pour deux dessus et basse continue
Jean-Baptiste Stuck (1680-1755)