The House of Italian musicians


La Maison des musiciens italiens
15 rue Champ Lagarde
GPS coordinates
Latitude : 48.801279
Longitude : 2.146316
The House of Italian musicians
15 rue Champ Lagarde


This house is generally considered to be where five Italian singers lived when they arrived in Versailles under the reign of Louis XIV to join the Music of the Royal Chapel.
But while their presence there is unquestioned, it is more likely that we owe the main pavilion to its next owner, the comtesse d’Argenson, and to the architect J. Hardouin-Mansart de Sagonne, the grandson of the Sun King's architect.

Later occupied by Madame de Marsan, governess to the Royal Children under Louis XV, the estate was transferred by her to the botanist, L.-G. Le Monnier, who created a nursery behind the house. It was at that time that more sober buildings were built to the left of the graceful rock garden pavilion. The property was classified an Historical Monument in 1950 and restored by the Compagnons du Tour de France who established their headquarters and museum there.

The house of the Italian musicians is only accessible on a guided tour with the Tourist Office of Versailles! For more information, please contact us.



Maison des Musiciens ItaliensFaçadeMaison des Musiciens ItaliensMaison des Musiciens Italiens
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