Seward Johnson's sculpture to Bougival

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Sculpture de Seward Johnson à Bougival
Parc Patrice Vieljeux
Ile de la Chaussée
GPS coordinates
Latitude : 48.868445
Longitude : 2.139061
Seward Johnson's sculpture to Bougival
Parc Patrice Vieljeux
Ile de la Chaussée
Pont du Maréchal De Lattre de Tassigny
Phone : +33 (0)1 39 24 88 88
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One sculpture from the series Beyond the frame of the American artist Seward Johnson is presented in the Patrice Vieljeux park. It is inspired by the famous impressionist painting of Renoir, "Bal à Bougival".
"Beyond the Frame" series is a three-dimensional interprEtation of the famous impressionnist paintings to visitors to walk into the frame.
One painting signed by Auguste Renoir "Danse à Bougival" (1883) was painted on the Chaussée island when the artist went to the Boaters'ball or to the Terrace hotel near the old bridge of Bougival painted by Monet.
Seward Johnson created "A Turn of the Century" inspired by the 'Danse à Bougival".

This sculpture was offered to the City of Bougival in 2022, by the Seward Johnson Foundation.

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