La Garenne


La Garenne
10 rue de la Croix aux Vents
GPS coordinates
Latitude : 48.863475
Longitude : 2.140742
La Garenne
10 rue de la Croix aux Vents
Phone : +33 (0)1 39 24 88 88
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A country house of 18th century surrounded by gardens.
In 1770, this Empire style house, which at the time only had a ground floor and a first floor, was leased by Joseph Marquis de Mesmes, Lord of Bougival and La Chaussée, Marshal of the King's camps and armies, to Jean-Jacques Garnier (1729-1805), Inspector of the Royal College of France, where he implemented numerous reforms.
In 1873-1874, Mrs. Halgan's widow rented the house to the Viardot family and Ivan Tourguéniev. After several owners, Georgette Wallace, an opera singer, known as Lucy Arbell, granddaughter of the philanthropist and benefactor Sir Richard Wallace, acquired the property in 1918. On her death in 1947 she donated it to the Arts Orphanage. Founder of this institution, she divided her life between music and charity.

