From Versailles Rive Droite station


Get to the events from Versailles Rive Droite station. 
You will arrive at the Rive Droite station on line L from Paris Saint-Lazare. 
There will be free shuttle buses from the stations to the event sites. 
They will drop you off near the Choisy gate. From there, you will follow a footpath through the alleys of the Parc de Versailles to reach the event site. 
The shuttles will serve the Olympic site continuously from 1 hour 30 minutes before to 30 minutes after the start of the events, and one every 30 minutes at off-peak times. 
On foot or by bike, you can get to the race site via the Grille de la Reine.
Bikes will be available for hire from the Gare Rive-Droite to take you to the races. 
A LIME bike hire service is available from 27 July to 11 August to take you from the station to the Château de Versailles park. 
Please note: you can only park your bikes at the station and in the park.
The service is accessible via the Lime application, which you can download from the App Store or Google Play.
Drinking water points are available along the way, you can find them here.